Wednesday, July 20, 2011

weekend..plz flies faster!!!!

yeeeehaaaaa..cant wait nk tgu dis coming sunday..cdey kn..orang len xpela cuti weekend so lehla plan pape mcm aku tgu la tiap mggu cuti ari pe owg nk bg..huuu..if pat weekend then naseb bek la..if xdpt menepek je kt umah dh sume keje..kwn2 lak shift act best gak keje weekend..orang pun xamai..xpyh nk berebut tren..hehehe..dis coming sunday kebetulan pat cuti,alhamdunillah.pat gak nengok HARRY POTTER + with my beloved hubby.lama xdapek nk dating betul2.mean spent time satu ari ngan dye.sejak2 keje nie..wake up jua.ko bknnya blaja mcm dlu ag,lehla nk dating tiap2 ari..huhu.pedulik la aku nk jupe tiap2 ari pun..ko jelessss pe hal???sikit pun xggu wet ko,masa ko,idup ko!huahuahua..tbe2 nk sentap. ;P
Oh HARRY POTTER..wait for me dis sunday..kena bwk tisu bnyk2.lepas nie dh xbest nk tgu tiap2 taun sbb da abes.last movie.i'm gonna miss u.heee.pasni nk kumpul novel la plak.and the original cd.Thanks for the great story JK Rowling.U'RE GREAT! :D


georgeous + handsome


p/s: i will cry along watching dis movie.last n remembered.

With ❤,